Imaginary Rangeに隠された遊びがありますのでお知らせします!
Here are some hidden ways to have fun in Imaginary Range!
- 全部で25個あります。
- 入手した数はここに表示されています。
・Collect moogle marks hidden in the panels!
- There are twenty-five in all.
- You can see how many you've found on the user interface.
・Game mode passwords?
Passwords displayed the results screen will be used for high score ranking in the future. We'll open the ranking page after the Android version is released, so please hang on a bit longer.
Even after beating it the first time, please continue to enjoy Imaginary Range.
『Imaginary Range』は原作の月島先生の謎めいたストーリーをベースに、さまざまなゲームやコマに隠された発見要素、読んだ後のお楽しみなどたくさんの遊びをちりばめて、付録がいっぱい挟まった雑誌のような楽しいアプリになりました。
Comment from Mr. Itahana (Illustrator)
「Based on a curious story from Mr. Tsukishima, and with different games and hidden-item components, Imaginary Range is studded with all sorts of ways to enjoy it after you read it; it's a fun app, just like a magazine stuffed with all sorts of extras.
It's an app that can be easily played anywhere, so, with your friends and family, at home and on the go, please enjoy it!