Xbox LIVE アーケード用ソフト『DEATH BY CUBE』の最新情報をお届けするブログです。

 Hi, everyone! Yours Truly from the "DEATH BY CUBE" team.

 「DEATH BY CUBE」は一言で説明しづらいゲームなので、お友達なんかに説明するときには、ぜひこの動画を見せてあげてください。
 Today, we have uploaded the movie.It's "DEATH BY CUBE" game flow and its basic instructions.When you are introducing this game to your friends, please navigate them to this movie!

 Also, there is a scene where player's shield gets exploded, but unfortunately we cannot show it to you. Please see it when you actually play it.

« 動画で攻略してみます。
The video shows you the tips to complete the level 01-3.
◆隠しキャラクター公開! その2 »